Looking for a fast and reliable scanner app? The QR Code Reader app is the ultimate tool for scanning QR codes and barcodes with ease. Whether you need to scan a barcode, QR code, or generate your own QR codes, this scanner app free has you covered. With the QR Code Reader, you can effortlessly scan and decode any QR code or barcode, making it the perfect tool for scanning products, accessing websites, or sharing information.
Main Features:
• Text: Just enter text with unlimited number of characters
• Location QR Code Generator: By providing Latitude & longitude
• Event QR code creator: Event title, Calendar & Information of the Event
• Profile QR Code: Name, Address, Phone number, Email etc
• Wifi Code Generator: Wifi name & Wifi password
• QR Paypal Code: Generate with link account and user name
• Social Qr Code: Entering your social username like facebook, instagram and generate QR